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"The Secret" And The Balance of Good And Evil

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"The Secret" has really caught on. It seems like you can not watch news programs and daytime talk shows without someone bringing it up. The teachers in the movie are arriving everywhere from The Ellen Show to Larry King Live.

As I paid attention to people asking some hard questions regarding Darfur and 9/11 through the Larry King Live show, I just had to chuckle. It's not that this problems we face in this world are everything to make mubashir luqman light of, because they aren't. The world is stuffed with horrible suffering that's not going to be solved with wishful thinking. In order to affect the world, we are going to have to not simply think positively, but we will have to think and act compassionately.

For years I have seen Christians maligned and ridiculed because people have looked at all the problems on the planet, the suffering and the pain, and believed that this existence of these evils was proof that God doesn't exist. They reasoned which a good God wouldn't allow such things to happen, therefore there should not be a God.

But as a result of "The Secret" they have something else responsible, as the Law of Attraction says that it's the victims themselves who will be causing their suffering. If you hear Dr. Joe Vitale he'll almost certainly tell you that people attract exactly what happens to them. So the people that are suffering worldwide are creating their own problems, they just do not know it. At some unconscious level the victims are really the perpetrators, since they must believe that they deserve to be beaten, starved, and murdered. After all, it is exactly what they are "attracting" within their lives.

Not all of the teachers from your movie share Dr. Vitale's sentiments. Their response to the world's ills is: They don't know. The "universe" has negative and positive in it, which is just the way it works out. The events in Darfur or even the attack on 9/11 just happened, and we don't understand why.

And there are those who teach that this universe is a perfect balance between positive and negative, good and evil. If you take that considered to an extreme, you may begin to think that bad things happen because of the good. For every person who's doing well in daily life, there would must be someone, somewhere, that's suffering.

When I glance at the world from a Christian standpoint, I recognize there's evil on earth. It took its power from the rebellion of Adam when he disobeyed God and ate in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The world started going downhill from that point on and all of the problems we percieve today are not because some cosmic balance has to be maintained, but because men are sinners. They do not understand the blessings and goodness of God, so they cause pain and suffering.

It is Romans 12:21 that tells us we can overcome evil with good. With God all things are possible, where there isn't some universal balance which needs to be maintained. As we learn how to live and love in the manner God wants us to, we can change the world. We can bring the truth of God's wish to a suffering world and tell them that He wants the absolute best for them. There isn't some capricious universe that punishes some and blesses others, there is a God who died to ensure that all men may be forgiven and freed in the power and consequences of sin.

As we learn how to live in God's abundance, fully recognizing that there is no limit to His goodness, all greed and competition will cease. Those who are now living in His blessings realize that they can only enjoy more whenever they become loving, giving servants. The promise of scripture is so much in excess of anything "The Secret" provides, because it puts everything in the proper perspective. And our faith in God will perform more than put take advantage our banking accounts; it's going to fill the entire world with God's love and blessings.Article Source: same faith that helped David defeat Goliath is everyone of us. In "Taking On Goliath - How To Unleash The David In All Of Us," author Rob Marshall demonstrates how to unleash your faith, overcome any obstacle, and live your dreams. Get two free chapters at: