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10 Best Tricks For SEO On-page

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On-page SEO also known as king is a most important side of SEO, to make good SEO on-page need to plan to suit each time and changes in Google's algorithm. Here are 10 best tips for you to implement SEO on-page:

1. The title of the article
Post subject plays a most important role in its decision On-page SEO search rankings of the article and the target keywords in the articles.

You make sure that your article title should contain your target keywords should be directed.

2. Friendly URLs
Avoid: the use of special characters, symbols, parentheses, comma, ...

So: use alphabet and numbers 0-9 in the article URL structure or dashes to distinguish the two chains in the URL structure.

3. The title tags H1-> H6
You should use heading tags like h1, h2, h3 and h4 to highlight different headings and subheadings in the important points. Normally our title tags are using h1 tags so we do not use any public h1 tag in the body of the article in addition to not repeat the h2 and h3 tags repeatedly.

4. Keyword Density
Your keyword density should be a maximum of 8% with a mixture of keywords related keywords, you should use the main keyword in the first part of the article and one at the end of the article and in the article content. Should use bold, italics and underlining to highlight the keywords and keyword phrases in the article is important.

5. The Meta tags
You add a keyword to the unique and relevant to the description tag 'meta description' on each article. Again you should use the main keyword in the meta description and meta keyword. You should create a description tag as one paragraph summary for your article and limiting its length must not exceed 160 characters, including spaces, you should write the description tag with a user-friendly for the high click rate.

6. Claim more images
We talked about optimizing images for SEO and it will help a lot of visits from search for images, but according to research, the keywords at alt = " in the image and image title will help so much for the article to be attractive, add one or more images in the article. You should see the image name as the first part of the target keywords, alt of images and so on. The image will make the content more interesting and more attractive, while more images you find images suitable small size even if additional large-sized images will slow down your site and reduces the Google website ranking evaluation.

7. The number of words per article
Post content should be at least 700 words long, and if you can write the better. Furthermore, if you write in a natural way and covers everything related to the topic, your theme will be great length. Hint: Analyze other articles on the targeted keywords and see what you are missing and if your post is better than all the first page ranking on Google. Although, there is no limit or the correct number for the minimum number of words for SEO optimized articles, but ideally I hold it more than 700 words.

8. Link content
You should link to the article with relevant content to increase page rank and the amount of visits. Internal Links postings naturally helps readers to stay your site longer and reduces the bounce rate. But you should not overdo it. When connecting to other pages in your blog, the more use of keyword rich articles to help better link.

9. Links to other websites
In addition to internal links, then that is one idea to create links to other websites if you feel that the addition of links to them will help your blog readers find more information and relevant on the topic you are writing.

While connecting outside website, you should connect to the trusted website and if you have doubts about the author or the popularity of a website, you use the "no-follow" tag.

You use the do-follow link on the reliable website and author and no-follow on the website you have doubts about the trust of Google for them.

10. Write compelling content
You should write compelling content for your post and add relevant keywords and proper rules for that post.

Finally to make a website design which has a standard of optimization SEO on-page, you need to comply with 10 rules in order to rank high on the search results page.