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A World Without Music

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Imagine it... some sort of without music. Do we even realize the significance of music within our lives? Just think of any party you have ever gone to, whether it's a bar, an organization, a residence party or just any place the place where a group of people have gathered to celebrate. I'm sure you remember fondly the better points during the these gatherings and what can it happen to be like devoid of the sounds of music? Honestly, I don't think I would be capable of live my entire life without music inside, can you? From growing up playing air guitar using your friends to getting your drivers license and cruising the streets and back roads swaying away because your favorite song at that time hits radio stations. We can never know who the initial person was who invented a musical instrument, but one thing is made for sure, all of us owe that person a great debt of gratitude! If we had no music in our lives then the world would've no soul.
Without music we'd not sing or dance. No more playing that break-up song as we contemplate what went wrong. Nothing helps in any situation like music does. When music includes a part in your lifetime at a particular moment in your own life, next time you hear that song playing you might be transported back in place and time. Nothing in the world is quite like music. That is the power of music, no matter whether you prefer classic rock, rock, jazz, disco, hip-hop or country. I'll give you an example to clarify. Lose My Mind father passed on two years ago, God bless his soul. Afterwards there were a gathering within my home so that as it wound down several relatives needed an enhancement home. When I jumped into my car the initial song that came on was "God Gave Me Everything I Want" by Mick Jagger. Although I love Mick, today when I hear that song I have to turn it off mainly because it reminds me of this sad time in my well being. It's the only Stones or Mick Jagger song that I have done that to because it stayed in my subconscious mind. The point I'm attempting to make here is that the power of music has been around all our lives and has played a serious roll inside whether we realize it or not. Go to any professional sporting event along with the fist thing they play is the National Anthem, that's in any country. When the President of the United States appears anytime they play "Hail To The Chief", again music. Go to church and the choir will there be again with music. Go to a wedding in fact it is filled with music.
Over and over we see the value of music within our lives and our very souls. It has for ages been there but we sometimes take for granted that of a powerful tool it has been doing shaping our daily lives. So when you're playing that favorite tune that's whisking you away to another place and time just stop and think what some sort of would be without music!